
Frontend programming
Krzysztof Stręk

Backend developer

6 min read
When we think about frontend technologies, there are three major that are used by JavaScript developers. The big three are: React, Angular and Vue. In our work in Aplicativ we use React, and React Native, and the second one for Android applications. Why do people choose React? What are the advantages of using it? I will try to explain it in this post.


  • React applications are in SPA (Single Page Applications) convention, what it means is that the app it’s requested onced in first request to server, and then only when it needs to get some data for content of the site. That behavior helps to load webpages faster.
  • As React Native is present, it is possible to create mobile apps very quickly, based on standard React code.
  • There is no need for session usage at the backend, it is implemented as React application.
  • fast and dynamic, depended on user actions

  • As a programmer you can use the TypeScript approach, then the components are implemented as a class or you can code components as functions in JavaScript.
  • It has community support, large documentation, lots of videos on Youtube and what’s most valuable is that it has its own visual components, ready to use - Material UI.

  • in many frameworks, not only frontend ones main architecture is MVC, which means Model-View-Controller. In React where the main layers are view layer (HTML) and code layer (JavaScript) you can mix them in the convenient way you want to. It’a called JSX and is an important thing - easy way to generate JavaScript over your code. You can also divide code as you want, for example totally separate JavaScript from HTML which is also possible.

Code organization and HOOKs

As I mentioned, there are two ways of writing code (Components) in React.

Component can be an object or a function. As an object it is TypeScript definition - simple class in OOP way. The alternative solution (functions) it’s much more simpler, it is just a function.

Hooks are core built-in functionality of React. What they do is for instance

  • organizing data in one place (state), every data change is handled on view layer
  • if there is a lot of data in our project the Reducer hook helps to manage it
  • the often pattern, that comes with web app is life-cycle of components. There are some watchers, that do the job.
  • manage business logic as functions based on state

React Native

What made react framework popular is that it has large community support for external libraries and documentation either. But there is one thing that decides framework to be chosen - it’s React Native. It is a framework that helps produce an Android and iOS app based on simple React and JavaScript code. This approach can be described as “Learn once, run anywhere” and it’s main motto of this technology.

Where to learn

Since over 10 years of React development, lots of Youtube and Udemy videos were made. React books and courses are present and are available everywhere. React is more popular year by year. There is large official documentation in many languages also. If You are searching for quick introduction to React programming I recommend this book in polish:,reawpr.htm#format/d

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